Back in the day I helped maintain the @ngrx example application when Angular was still in it's infancy. I was responsible for the initial implementation of the application and the first few iterations of the application. The application was a great way to showcase the power of the ngrx platform and how it could be used to build a real world application.
This was an example application utilizing @ngrx libraries, showcasing common patterns and best practices.
This app is a book collection manager. Using the Google Books API, the user can search for books and add them to their collection. This application utilizes @ngrx/db to persist the collection across sessions; @ngrx/store to manage the state of the app and to cache requests made to the Google Books API; @angular/router to manage navigation between routes; @ngrx/effects to isolate side effects.
Built with @angular/cli
Included ngrx/store - RxJS powered state management for Angular apps, inspired by Redux ngrx/effects - Side effect model for @ngrx/store angular/router - Angular Router ngrx/db - RxJS powered IndexedDB for Angular apps ngrx/store-devtools - Instrumentation for @ngrx/store enabling time-travel debugging codewareio/ngrx-store-freeze - A @ngrx/store meta reducer that prevents state from being mutated reselect - Selector library for Redux